The above £85M project selected and approved the cement based flowing, early drying, Swiftscreed (LF) for use on its ground floors on the 392 apartment development. These ground areas are mainly hallway / receptions areas which have a requirement for a durable screed, able to handle the heavy trafficking associated with such a development.
Done Development (owned by Betfred) appointed Adonis Construction to construct the high profile twin towers, erected at 22 and 17 floors in height respectively.
The Bristol based screeding installer (UKS Group) were then awarded the contract to screed the floors over several separate days, enabling the main contractor to move key stored building materials around within the tower blocks.
This particular study focusses on the largest floor area laid, in one pour, comprising of 360m2 i.e. 45m long X 8m wide. The area was prepared with floor insulation and appropriate edge strips with finally the Swiftscreed (LF) being laid at an average thickness of 50mm.
UKS prepared the area in the morning (Friday) and then poured the flowing screed in the afternoon, thus enabling the contractor to open up this area for early trafficking again the following Monday. This situation was possible due to the fact there was no requirement to revisit site to remove surface laitance, a major benefit of using a cement based screed.
Under normal circumstances a floor area of this size would need expansion joints at circa 150m2, however, the concrete pillars, as seen, effectively replaced these joints.
A job well done!